The St. Patrick’s Cook Off: Kako smo kuhali s Ircima. I s pivom i viskijem…

Povodom proslave Dana Sv. Patrika u organizaciji Nj.E. Ruaidhrija Dowlinga, veleposlanika Irske u Republici Hrvatskoj, s ciljem proslave i promocije irske kulture, hrane i pića - održan je The St. Patrick's Cook Off

by Ribafish
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Prošle subote, 12. ožujka 2022. godine, u kulinarskom studiju Kuhaona na Opatovini tim veleposlanstva Irske potrudio se da probrana ekipa novinara i blogera sazna još nešto više o irskim običajima, pjesmi, duhu i logično – hrani i piću.

Nasmijana ekipa iz Irskog veleposlanstva, „Irac u Hrvatskoj“ Stephen Breslin te sam veleposlanik Ruaidhri Dowling sa suprugom, aktivno su se uključili u aktivnosti, zasukali rukave i uz dosta pogonskoga goriva zajednički napravili sjajan moćan stew i slatki i slasni pudding.

Jedini izvorni irski pub u Zagrebu, Sheridan’s Pub je sudionike okrijepio O’Haras pivom, a Patrick Martin, još jedan Irac sa stalnom adresom u Hrvatskoj predstavio je svoja vina pod etiketom Baragne, koja, logično, proizvodi u Baranji. Zmajevac je tako bogatiji za još jedan vinski podrum u kojem se godišnje sa 4 hektara napravi oko 20.000 butelja. Mlada graševina mu je totalni hit!

Sudionike je na samom početku dočekala bogata daska s najfinijim irskim sirevima i delicijama koje je za ovu prigodu poslala Bord Bia, irska agencija za hranu, čija je misija upoznati svijet s izvanrednom hranom, pićem i hortikulturom Irske i na taj način omogućiti rast i održivost proizvođača. Ako netko vidi ovo prefino čudo u nekim zagrebačnim delikatesama, neka mi obavezno javi! Brutala…

Bili su tu i svježe pečeni sconesi, tradicionalni irski tanki kruh od krumpira, tzv. potato farls te kruh sa stout pivom, medom i zobenim pahuljicama koje su pripremili Stephen i domaćica eventa, neumorna Sandra Rončević.

Osim druženja i zabave, sudionici su imali zadatak skuhati juneći gulaš s pivom, a za desert su pripremali bread & butter pudding s đumbirom i viskijem. Nećete vjerovati, ali sve se pojelo i popilo! Pripremite kiltove i vidimo se negdje na tulumu, sretno vam Patrikovo!

Embassy of Ireland to Croatia | Miramarska 23/III | 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: +385 1 627 8920 | Fax: +385 1 387 7221 |



Beef and Guinness stew


1 kg Beef shoulder
3 large onions, roughly chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 sticks of celery, roughly chopped
5 carrots, cut into large pieces
2 tbsp. flour
500 ml beef/chicken stock
500 ml O’Hara’s stout
1 tbsp. tomato paste
2 bay leaves
1 tsp fresh thyme

Cut the beef into large chunks and season generously with salt.
Heat some sunflower oil in a large pan, and brown the meat on each side, until dark brown.
Remove the browned beef from the pan, and set aside. Add in the onions and garlic and
sweat, until lightly coloured, scraping all the brown pieces from the bottom of the pan. Add
the carrots, celery, and sauté for a further 5-6 minutes, season with black pepper.
Spoon in tomato paste and the flour and cook for about 5 minutes on a medium heat- this
will remove the bitterness from the paste and cook out the flour.
Return the meat to the pan, add the Guinness, stock, and herbs, season generously with
salt and pepper, and cover with a lid.
Reduce the heat to a slow simmer, and cook for about 1-2 hours until everything is tender
and the sauce is rich and thick. Stir sometimes to avoid the gravy catching at the bottom of
the pan. Top up with more stock if too much of the liquid evaporates. Serve with mash

Jamison and ginger bread and butter pudding

250ml full-fat milk
300ml cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 whole large eggs, plus 1 egg yolk
5 tbsp. caster sugar
8 slices of day-old white crusty bread
50g slightly salted butter, softened plus extra for greasing
zest ½ lemon
3 cm of fresh ginger, grated and the juice squeezed out(Discard the solids)
3 tsp. Jamison whiskey

Step 1
Pre-heat oven to 180C. To make the custard, heat the milk, cream and vanilla together in a
saucepan to just below boiling point. Meanwhile whisk the eggs and yolk with 3 tbsp caster
sugar in a jug. Slowly pour the warm milk mixture, including the vanilla pod, over the eggs,
stirring constantly until smooth. Stir in the ginger juice and the Jamison whiskey.
Lightly butter an ovenproof dish approximately 20cm x 25cm x 5cm. Cut the crusts from the
bread slices, then butter both sides of the bread and cut into triangles. Layer the bread
slices in the bottom of the dish so that they are slightly overlapping.
Pour the custard over the pudding. Leave to soak for at least 30 mins, or longer in the
fridge, if you like. Sprinkle over the rest of the sugar and bake for 35-40 mins until golden
brown and puffed up

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